Saturday, September 10, 2011

in 3 weeks time

nobody can really epitomize what going back to school feels like like my sweet juno can. this has pretty much been my face for the past few weeks. this post is a bit of an apology for being so shotty in my posting, but also to give a little insight as to what's been going on around here...

well, school is officially back in full-swing. 19 hours, 2 operas, a senior recital to worry about, and a part time job. who ever said that senior year was supposed to be easy was a liar. this is certainly my busiest semester yet. blah. enough complaining. on a better note, here are a few things that have gone down since school started up again:

1. i have managed to not break a phone. yet. *knock on wood*

2. i have also managed to park close enough to a drunk idiot to get my car scratched up. dumb.

3. i have watched the 'sondheim birthday concert' about 6 times in order to keep my sanity in tact.

4. i have discovered my drunk kitchen and truly stopped caring about everything else in my life. this girl is hilarious.

5. i have ran over 133 freshmen with my car.

6. i have discovered how much i love 'egg in the basket's. they are perfect for a quick snack.

7. i have painted my nails TWICE (for the first time in years) in order to see if i could stop biting my nails. it's working.

8. i have fallen back in love with canned green beans.

9. i have attended approximately 3000 rehearsals.

10. i have been reminded of how great my school friends are.

11. i have become aware of how far 1,132 miles exactly is. it's pretty damn far, y'all.

basically, school is school. we all tend to live weekend to weekend, don't we? i am trying to live afternoon to afternoon at this point, haha. the weekends are always too far away.

music for fall 2011:






have a good week.

m. wilson

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